Clara Loureiro
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Clara Loureiro
18 Mar
About Clara Loureiro
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I’m a fresh PhD graduated in Ocean Sciences (2022) from the DOP-FCT/UAc with specialization in Microbial Oceanography, fascinated with marine microbes and the biophysical ecosystem interaction that shapes these ubiquitous and diverse organisms’ existence in the water column with a particular focus in the Azores region. In my perception, microbes are key organisms for having a crucial role on the global element cycles regulation as to their unique capacity to decompose and remineralize DOM. During my research we unraveled the amazing world of microbial planktonic organisms, such as bacterioplankton, and described for the first time the community structure & dynamics within the Azores plateau region through ocean space and time scales comparing these with other oceanic regions (From N – S Atlantic). I combined lab molecular techniques (genomics) with field observations (data generated by oceanographic platforms, satellite remote sensing and shipboard ocean data) as foundations to understand ecosystem dynamics in shaping these organisms. By combining new molecular techniques (modern multi-omics and bioinformatics tools) with traditional spatial-temporal analysis methods (physical & biogeochemical observations) I strive to understand marine microbes patterns & distribution in-depth and how coupled physical/biological mechanisms underly these patterns, to support predictions on the impact of environmental change at the level of microbial ecosystem function.
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4,
9901-862 Horta, Faial, Açores, Portugal
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