Yasmina Rodríguez
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Yasmina Rodríguez
28 Feb
About Yasmina Rodríguez
Learn more about Yasmina Rodríguez in this biography or autobiography
I hold a Biology degree from the University of La Laguna (Spain) and a Master's in Marine Biology from the University of the Algarve (Portugal). My experience began with the Bioecomac-ULL group 'Cetaceans & Bioacoustics' in the Canaries, expanding into sea turtle conservation projects in remote and challenging environments in Cape Verde and the Galapagos Islands. After several short-term jobs in biology, I decided to transition again into academia. I spent six years as a research assistant at the IMAR/OKEANOS Centre, University of the Azores, focusing on marine litter pollution. Currently (2021 to 2025), I am working on my PhD in Marine Sciences, specializing in Marine Ecology through an FRCT grant. Although I am involved in several studies on plastic pollution in the environment (open ocean, coastal areas, or the deep sea), my main interest focuses on the issue of plastic ingestion and entanglement in marine megafauna. My research contributes to scientific knowledge but seeks to influence policies and initiatives aimed at reducing plastic contamination and preserving marine biodiversity. I am an active member of various OSPAR expert groups on marine litter, and support the Regional Government in reporting to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) concerning the Azores subdivision. At the national level, in partnership with the Regional Government, I collaborate with the National Marine Litter Working Group and the MSFD Marine Litter Technical Group (TG-ML).
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4,
9901-862 Horta, Faial, Açores, Portugal
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