Laura González García
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Laura González García
27 Nov
About Laura González García
Learn more about Laura González García in this biography or autobiography
I am a marine biologist and oceanographer from Galicia (Spain). I finished my Marine Science, Technology and Management PhD at the University of Vigo in 2019. With expertise in habitat modelling and physical oceanography, my research focuses on cetacean ecology and distribution in the Atlantic, and mainly in the Azores, where I have lived since 2008. My work highlights the importance of long-term data series for the study of cetaceans, and how tourism contributes this way to science. With extensive hands-on experience in the field with cetaceans, mostly combined with whale-watching tourism, I have been working at the University of the Azores as a post-doctoral researcher since 2020 joining projects such as MONICET (regarding cetacean data linked to whale watching), LIFE-IP AZORES NATURA (citizen science and maritime tourism in the Azores), MARCET II (enhancing sustainable blue ecotourism in Macaronesia), or the K2D- Knowledge and Data from the Deep to the Space (smart subsea cables for ocean monitoring). Additionally, I have supervised dozens of bachelor and master students in their internships and dissertations, and organised multiple scientific events.
Research areas
Primary areas of research
Research Techs
Technologies and techniques of interest
Organisms with a greater spotlight
Ecosystems with a stronger research focus
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
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9901-862 Horta, Faial, Açores, Portugal
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