Manuela Ramos
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Manuela Ramos
09 Feb
About Manuela Ramos
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Deep-sea benthic Ecologist working at IMAR/Okeanos. Her main focus is the benthic megafauna living under some of the most prominent, isolated and less studied geomorphological features from the large Azores Region. Participates in expeditions involving a sort of in-situ assessments on these areas, using video footage (ROVs, drop-down and drift cameras imagery) and biological sampling, seeking for new species and/or distribution records. Also interested in enviromental (geological and oceanographic) data to find the main drivers of benthic assemblages ecological distribution patterns and their biogeographic affinities. Her work outputs are fundamental contributions towards an integrated ecological conservation and management of the Azores Region threatened or endangered Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (e.g. coral gardens and sponge aggregations communities).
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
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