Jorge Fontes
Integrated member
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Jorge Fontes
Integrated member
29 Sep
About Jorge Fontes
Learn more about Jorge Fontes in this biography or autobiography
I am an Azorean native Marine Biologist (PhD). During my earlier career I focused on fish ecology and biology, artisanal fisheries, marine protected areas, moving on to fish recruitment dynamics and population connectivity applied to the design of MPAs during my PhD. For my first postdoc, I coordinated the mitigation and control program of the marine invasive algae. I have been actively involved in multiple innovative international marine technology projects (EU and EEA grants) to advance the state-of-the-art in the field of applied marine robotics for marine research. Over the last two decades I have been involved in multiple research projects of applied biotelemetry and biologging of marine animals, including invertebrates, reef and seamount fishes, as well as marine megafauna, mainly sharks and mobulids. I have focused on the development of new disruptive non-invasive biologging tools to track iconic marine megafauna and characterize their environment. I have a long record of international collaborative work and international field experience. A significant part of my work is used to support decision making. I have presented my research in numerous international conferences, and have published numerous scientific articles, one book and two book chapters. I supervise, Msc and PhD students, and coordinate several projects. My research has been featured in major international networks, WBO, National Geographic, BBC, Odyssey, Discovery channel, RTP
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4,
9901-862 Horta, Faial, Açores, Portugal
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