Miriam Romagosa
Integrated member
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Miriam Romagosa
Integrated member
11 Jun
About Miriam Romagosa
Learn more about Miriam Romagosa in this biography or autobiography
I am a marine biologist specialized in cetacean bioacoustics and ocean noise with 14 years of professional and academic experience. My first job in this field was in a non-governmental organisation doing cetacean research and citizen science in Barcelona. After that, I worked as a marine mammal observer and passive acoustic operator to mitigate the effects of noise from offshore windfarms and seismic surveys on marine mammals. This job motivated me to pursue a scientific career on the effects of noise on cetaceans. My first paper on sei whale vocalisations from the Azores resulted from my work onboard “Song of the whale” research vessel in UK and led me to the University of the Azores in 2015, where I studied how the presence of foraging odontocetes was determined by differences in oceanography and prey biomass. In 2017, I started my PhD on “Noise exposure and vocal behaviour of baleen whales in the Azores” at Okeanos - UAç, which was a continuation of my previous work on cetacean acoustics but incorporated the topic of noise pollution. As a post-doc researcher and within the project LIFE IP Azores Natura, I have continued with my main research interest by working on the characterisation of marine traffic and the development of a noise model for the Azores to assess the risk of ship collision and noise exposure for cetaceans.
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OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Universidade dos Açores
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4,
9901-862 Horta, Faial, Açores, Portugal
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