Hoje, a família Okeanos reuniu-se para assistir em conjunto ao documentário sobre o percurso inspirador da Dra.Helen Martins.
Aqui podem ler algumas palavras do seu filho sobre este filme:
A short documentary on
Helen Rost Martins's research! She worked as a marine biologist in the Azores since the 1970s. My cousin,
Kristin Bergaust is an artist, professor, and Vice Dean for research at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design in OsloMet- Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Kristin has worked with art, ocean ecologies, and transdisciplinary artistic research projects for years. In the spring of 2023, Kristin and another cousin,
Lene Stokseth, a professional non-fiction and journalism translator, visited my mother to find out more about her professional life and career. They found great inspiration in my mother's engagement and joy with research subjects and produced this documentary.
E aqui podem assistir ao documentário:
Que honra a oportunidade de cruzarmos caminhos com uma investigadora tão apaixonada e perseverante!