Decorre entre hoje e amanhã (20 e 21 de Março) entre as 16h e as 19h, o 2º meeting anual da @SeaNetwork, com a participação do diretor do OKEANOS-UAc - Gui Menezes.
Encontra abaixo os links para assistir online.
O evento decorre online com o seguinte programa:
20th March (all times below are in Portugal Time, i.e. CET-1h)
16h00-16h20 - Welcoming Remarks and update on the @SeaNetwork in 2024
Luis Menezes Pinheiro (on behalf of the Steering Committee)
16h20-17h10 - Training Program presentations – South Africa, Portugal and Germany
16h20-16h25 – Isabelle Ansorge - SEAmester Program, University of Cape Town, South Africa
16h25-16h30 – Luis Menezes Pinheiro - UA@Mar, CESAM, University of Aveiro, Portugal
16h30-16h35 – Paula Sanches - Hydrographic Institute from the Portuguese Navy (IH), Portugal
16h35-16h40 - Tanya Silveira - Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), Portugal
16h40-16h45 - Discussion
16h45-16h50 - Gui Menezes - Institute of Marine Sciences - OKEANOS, Univ. Açores, Portugal
16h50-16h55 – Rui Santos - Aporvela, Portugal
16h55-17h00 - Barbel Wichmann / Karen Wiltshire - NOSOAT Programme – Polarstern Atlantic Transit Training, Germany
17h00-17h05 - Tobias Hahn / Bjorn Fiedler - GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
17h05-17h10 - Discussion
17h10-17h50 - Training Program presentations – UK, Ireland and France
17h10-17h15 – Caroline Gernez - IFREMER - Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, France
17h15-17h20 - Peter Keen - Keen Marine Limited, Isle of Man, UK
17h20-17h25 - Peter Croot - University of Galway, Ireland
17h25-17h30 - Discussion
17h30-17h35 – Frank Armstong/Aodhan Fitzgerald - Marine Institute, Ireland
17h35-17h40 – Frank Armstong - SMART (Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training), Ireland
17h40-17h45 – Luis Menezes Pinheiro – Quick tour in our new Website
17h45-17h50 – Discussion
17h50-18h05 – Break
18h05-18h45 - Training Program presentations – Europe
18h05-18h10 – SIGI Gruber – The @SeaNetwork and AAORIA
18h10-18h15 - David Van Rooij / Marc DeBaptist - Department of Geology, Ghent University, Belgium
18h15-18h20 – Elizabeth Blasquez / Maria Carmen Fernandez-Puga - University of Cadiz, Spain
18h20-18h25 - Discussion
18h25-18h30 – Tania Montoto/Silvia Martin - PLOCAN, Spain
18h30-18h35 – Turid Lie Vilkensen – The Norwegian Marine University Consortium
18h35-18h40 - Discussion
18h45-19h05 - Training Program presentations – South America
18h45-18h50 - Alvaro S. Scardilli / Ariel Troisi - Servicio de Hidrografía Naval , Argentina
18h50-18h55 - Guillermo Centeno - Center for Oceanology and Antarctic Studies of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (COEA-IVIC), Venezuela
18h55-19h00 – Discussion
19h00-19h05 – Final remarques and outlook for Sessions in Day 2
19h05 – End of Day 1
21th March
16h00-16h05 – Welcoming and starting session
Luis Menezes Pinheiro / Isabelle Ansorge
16h05-16h45 - Training Program presentations – Africa
16h05-16h10 – Filomena Vaz Velho / Virgílio Estevão - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira e Marinha – INIPM, Angola
16h10-16h15 – Corrine Almeida - Master Program on Climate Change and Marine Science, Universidade Técnica do Atlântico, Cape Verde
16h15-16h20 - Kouadio Affian - Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire
16h20-16h25 - Discussion
16h30-16h35 – Hassan Er Raioui- Université Abdlemalek-Essaâdi, Tangier, Morocco
16h35-16h40 - Nadia Mhammdi - Institut Scientifique/UM5 Rabat, Morocco
16h40-16h45 - Discussion
16h45-17h35 - Training Program presentations – Africa (cont.), Canada, Eurofleets+
16h45-16h50 - Isa Elegbede / Akintola Shehu - Lagos State University, Nigeria
16h50-16h55 – Sheveenah Taukoor – ECOP, Member of the @SeaNetwork Advisory Group
16h55-17h00 - Frederic Bonou - Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB), Benin
17h00-17h05 - Wali Ndiaye / Alassane Sarr - University Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (IUPA), Senegal
17h05-17h10 - Discussion
17h10-17h15 – José Moutinho – OceanX OceanQuest Around Africa Expedition
17h15-17h20 – Avery McQuirter / Tara Mascarenhas - SOI Foundation, Canada
17h20-17h25 – Frank Armstrong - Aquarius : Integrating Research Infrastructures, Connecting Scientists, Enabling Transnational Access
17h25-17h30 – Samuel Mafwila, Namibia
17h30-17h35 - Discussion
17h35-17h45 – Break
17h45-18h30 - Training Program presentations – Brazil, large programs, ECOP Network
17h45-17h50 – Raphael Pinotti - Laboratórios de Ensino Flutuantes (Floating Teaching Laboratories) - LEF - FURG, UFP, UFPE, UFMA), Brazil
17h50-17h55 - Giuseppe Magnifico / Lorenza Evangelista - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
17h55-18h00 – Sophie Seeyave - POGO – Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean
18h00-18h05 - Discussion
18h05-18h10 – Mafalda Carapuço - Atlantic International Research Centre - AIR CENTRE
18h10-18h15 - Evgeniia Kostianaia - Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Programme
18h15-18h20 – Suzan/Amr Hamouda - National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries –Training @Sea Program for Africa, Egypt
18h20-18h25 – Jyotika Virmani – Schmidt Ocean Institution, USA
18h25-18h30 – Craig Mclean – US, @SeaNetwork Advisory Committee
18h30-18h35 – Discussion
18h35-18h55 – Election of the Steering Committee. Member suggestions and future plans
18h55-19h00 – Closing remarks
Online Zoom Links
20th March
Or a H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Meeting ID: 980 1142 8873
21th March
Or a H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Meeting ID: 992 2749 3921